Performance against objectives

Sustainability objectives 2010/11

Overview of progress at end of 2011


Status of completion


All sites to reduce use of energy by 2.5 percent annually

Energy use reduced by total of 5.5 percent in 2010 and 2011


Status of completion (pie chart)

Energy audits carried out or planned in 23 of most energy-intensive production sites



Develop guidelines to monitor the environmental impact of transport of goods

Pilot projects in Italy, Saudi Arabia and United States completed


Status of completion (pie chart)

Key Performance Indicators developed


Data on cross-border transportation (2010) evaluated; data collection and calculation methods updated; air and sea transportation data (2011) collected and under evaluation


Draft guidelines remain in test phase, proposed release during 2012


Transportation Council of regional and Group logistics managers constituted to guide and coordinate Group transport and logistics strategy and programs



Monitor and reduce environmental impact from business air travel

Data collection and methodology for emissions calculation established and tested; first data collection accomplished


Status of completion (pie chart)

Review of reduction possibilities commenced



Phase out the use of hazardous substances in ABB’s products and processes

Status investigated of use/phasing out of hazardous materials in countries/local business units. Some materials such as organic lead in polymers almost completely eliminated


Status of completion (pie chart)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) reduction program established in Power Products division, which is responsible for more than 70 percent of Group VOC emissions


Group-wide list of restricted substances updated; program to enhance implementation under way



Ensure that environmental and health and safety aspects are considered in product development

Survey among product and project managers to assure that sustainability aspects are embedded in product development


Status of completion (pie chart)


Developed and launched supporting tools and training material



Early assessment of social, security, OHS and environmental risk in ABB’s project risk management process, to better manage sensitive projects

Regular meetings with two divisions (Process Automation and Power Systems) to identify potential risks at project pursuit stage rather than at later stage of tendering, with ongoing involvement of sustainability and security experts in project risk reviews and evaluation


Status of completion (pie chart)

Ongoing training for business managers and key functions to raise awareness of potential health and safety, security and human rights risks



Due diligence on all security companies according to ABB standards

Global roll-out started in 2011 and will continue in 2012


Status of completion (pie chart)


Due diligence on security companies conducted on continuous basis for new contracts and on needs basis for existing contracts



Ensure rapid response capability and enable ABB in risk-rated countries to prepare and respond to potential threats

Threat map and new security website introduced to help company to prepare for, or mitigate, potential threats


Status of completion (pie chart)

By end of 2011, about 850 managers in all eight regions were trained in crisis management with workshops and exercises


Almost all ABB country organizations were trained on crisis management in 2011; remaining training scheduled for 2012


Country crisis and security plans maintained, updated and implemented



Develop ABB travel security system into a more supportive system for ABB

Improvements to travel security system completed. System now includes all main threat areas, including maritime threats, plus supporting documentation for travelers


Status of completion (pie chart)


Several upgrades to travel security system and further global training conducted in 2011



Occupational Health and Safety Plan 2008–2011 continues, as approved by Executive Committee

Continued with delivery of second generation leadership training to all local division and local business unit managers, and first line reports


Status of completion (pie chart)

Strategic risk management programs delivered in all countries covering range of issues, including occupational hygiene, point of work risk assessment, management review, human error and desired behaviors


Further OHS improvement programs for business units in Process Automation and Power Systems divisions and Power Products Service that addressed business unit-specific risks. This included local training and audit programs



Increase monitoring of key potential and existing suppliers so that ABB is not complicit in any social, environmental, human rights or health and safety abuses

125 supplier sustainability audits conducted by third party, two-thirds in high risk countries (China, India and Mexico)


Status of completion (pie chart)

Supplier sustainability audit protocols revised and updated, based on practical experience, for use from 2012 in continuing supplier audit program


Supplier sustainability awareness training developed and delivered to over 200 suppliers in India and China



Extend social, environmental, human rights, and health, safety and security risk assessment in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) processes.

Sustainability work stream embedded in M&A process


Status of completion (pie chart)

Specialists on environment, human rights, OHS and security regularly consulted as part of due diligence on target companies


Extensive coaching provided for local sustainability specialists involved in M&A projects


External specialists used to support the sustainability work stream on a case-by-case basis


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