ABB in summary

ABB is a pioneering technology leader in the fields of power and automation. We help our customers address the challenges of changing markets, technologies and regulations.
We build long-lasting, value-creating partnerships with customers, suppliers, business partners, employees and the communities in which we operate.
We deliver solutions that raise productivity and reduce environmental impacts for utilities, industry, transport and infrastructure.
Our portfolio ranges from switches to industrial robots to engineering and expert service, from transmission and distribution networks to software that manages entire factories.
Sustainability considerations cover how we design and manufacture products, what we offer customers, how we engage suppliers, how we assess risks and opportunities, and how we behave in the communities where we operate and towards one another, while striving to ensure the health, safety and security of our employees, contractors and others affected by our activities.
Our sustainability performance reporting is guided by the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) G4 Guidelines. A summary table of numerical performance indicators is included. The independent assurance provider DNV GL has provided assurance of selected indicators and reviewed key data and claims in the report. Its assurance statement appears here.

$36.4 billion
orders in 2015
50% of revenues
related to energy efficiency and renewable energy

700 community projects
and charities supported in 2015
19 awards
for good corporate citizenship worldwide

$1.4 billion
invested in R&D in 2015
490 TWh energy
saved by ABB drives

company helping to create the future

415+ locations
certified to ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
97% of employees trained
on anti-bribery principles 2014-2015

5,600training sessions during global safety week

reduction in water
withdrawals in 2015
reduction in GHG
emissions (Scope 1 + 2)

in-depth supplier
sustainability assessments since 2010
critical suppliers trained
since 2011