ABB 2020 Sustainability Targets Target definition and methodology

Leading technology


Products, solutions and services


Increase share of ABB eco-efficiency portfolio


Eco-Efficiency Portfolio focuses on the use-phase impacts of its products, systems and services in three areas: a) Energy Efficiency, b) Renewable Energy, c) Environmental - and Resource Efficiency. (ref: ABB Eco-Efficiency Portfolio Methodology Guideline). The KPI measures the annual revenues from products in the Eco Efficiency portfolio as a % of total ABB Group revenues.
All years include the Business Area Power Grids, which was part of ABB until mid-2020. The performance of 2020 thus only represents the first half year of 2020.


ABACUS, ATLAS, CCP, GF-CD. Consolidation of annual Division Excel reports on sales of Product Lines and Product Groups.




ABB Eco-Efficiency Portfolio uses million USD (at nominal exchange rates) consolidated third party revenues from products, systems and services related to energy efficiency, renewable energy (solar & wind) or environmental / resource efficiency. Any local currencies are transferred into USD at nominal exchange rates.

Responsible operations


Safe operations


Reduction in employee injuries


Total recordable incident frequency rate (TRIFR) includes fatal, serious injury, restricted workday case, lost time injury, medical treatment incidents and occupational disease. This rate excludes first aid incidents, business travel and commuting. This covers employees only.


The incident information comes from MIS Intelex, the information on employee worked hours is estimated from financial system and uses FTE (full time equivalent).


The rate is calculated per 100 employees


The working hours are calculated based on employee FTE count from ABB financial system. The assumption of 2,000 work hours per person per year is applied.


Climate action


40% decrease in absolute GHG emissions (scope 1 & 2) by 2020 compared to a 2013 baseline. Performance data excludes GEIS sites acquired in 2018 to allow a comparable scope to baseline.


LSO (Local Sustainability Officer) reports from sites in the SPI reporting tool, including: mass balance calculation on SF6; data on direct use of fossil fuels for buildings and manufacturing processes; site use of district heat and possible local energy generation; CO2 emissions from own fleet; data from utility providers on CO2 emissions per kWh of electricity used and district heat. For emissions from own fleet, in Europe data is retrieved from ABB’s fleet management tool. In the other two regions (AMC and AMA), where the tool is not yet implemented, fleet emissions are estimated based on number of vehicles, typical mileage and emissions data.


Site data is collected quarterly or annually and reported in SPI. Emission intensity factors are collected from the utilities and we do market based calculations of the sites’ CO2e emissions. SF6 is calculated using a mass balance calculation.


Metric kilotons CO2e


40% decrease in absolute GHG emissions (scope 1 & 2) by 2020 compared to a 2013 baseline. Performance data excludes GEIS sites acquired in 2018 to allow a comparable scope to baseline.

The 2013 baseline has been restated without PG data.


Resource efficiency


Reduce water consump­tion in water stressed areas


Reduce water consumption by 25% at ABB facilities in extremely high, high and medium-high stress categories by 2020, from a 2013 baseline. A site’s water stress level is determined from the World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct Global Water Risk Tool. Water consumption for remediation is excluded. Performance data excludes GEIS sites acquired in 2018 to allow a comparable scope to baseline.


LSO reports in SPI and subsequent analysis; the Aqueduct global water risk tool l by the WRI; water recordings at sites; invoices from water utilities.




Data is collected once per year from all sites through a questionnaire in ABB’s LSO reporting process in SPI. Data are collected by the LSO at each site in collaboration with the facility manager, e.g. by reading meters, checking invoices from the water utility.

The 2013 baseline has been restated without PG data.


Reduce % waste sent for disposal


Reduce the share of hazardous and non-hazardous waste sent for final disposal out of total waste generated by 20% by 2020 from a 2013 baseline. Performance data excludes GEIS sites acquired in 2018 to allow a comparable scope to baseline.


LSO reports in SPI and subsequent analysis; data records at sites; invoices from service providers.




At our 300 sites that generate most waste, data on non-hazardous waste is reported by the LSO quarterly in SPI. For remaining sites, data on non-hazardous waste is collected once per year through a questionnaire in SPI. Hazardous waste data from all sites is collected once per year. The LSO report the data in collaboration with facility management and the service providers.

The 2013 baseline has been restated without PG data.


Right materials


Reduce VOC emissions from VOCs


Reduce emissions from VOCs by 20% by 2020 from a 2013 baseline. Performance data excludes GEIS sites acquired in 2018 to allow a comparable scope to baseline.


LSO reports in SPI; records of solvents, varnish and paints at sites; data records at sites; invoices from suppliers; mass balance calculations.


Metric tons


Data is collected once per year from all sites through a questionnaire in ABB’s LSO reporting process in SPI. A mass balance calculation is used to determine VOC emissions. Records of solvents, varnish and paints at sites; mass balance calculations; invoices from suppliers.

The 2013 baseline has been restated without PG data.


Responsible sourcing


Closure of identified risks from supplier assess­ments


Risk is defined as the danger, posed to ABB, by the non-compliant operations of the supplier. Risk level is assigned as extremely high, high, medium or low, depending upon the severity of non-compliance identified during supplier audit. To reflect the degree of severity associated with non-compliances, extremely high-risk supplier is multiplied by a factor of 5; high risk supplier is multiplied by a factor of 3; medium risk supplier is multiplied by a factor of 1; low risk supplier is multiplied by a factor of 0. Total risk identified is summation of the weighted risk assigned to each supplier who has completed an assessment and has outstanding corrective actions. Completion of corrective action by supplier would result in an increase in risks mitigated. NOTE – SSDP is a continuous ongoing process, with new supplier on site assessments conducted every month, hence closure % of 100% cannot be obtained at any given point, due to the lag between risk identification and time needed to complete the action to mitigate the risk.


SSDP Global KPI Report (tab- Risk: Total risk assessed; Total risk mitigated)




Risk closure%= (Total risk mitigated/total risk assessed)*100

Responsible relationships




Employees trained in integrity


Completion of global Integrity training campaigns as rolled out about every two years (Corporate Policy CRLI-01). Campaigns provide e-learning for employees with email accounts. The indicator measures the % of invited employees who have completed the training and remain employed at 31 December. At the end of the second (or final) year of this campaign the indicator measures cumulative completions over the entire period since the initial launch of the training.


eLearning completion results from Learning Management System (LMS) of SAI Global for all colleagues with email accounts.




Data is collected on an ongoing basis from the LMS system throughout the year.

Human rights


Training for specific job roles exposed to Human Rights risks


GF-SA Corporate Responsibility to identify a list of specific job roles exposed to Human Rights risks. These employees will receive Human Rights training.


GF-SA Corporate Responsibility


# campaigns per year


GF-SA CR will create the training materials for each campaign and invite nominated roles to participate in each campaign. GFSA will maintain a list of the population that received each training.

Our people


Increase in % of females in senior manage­ment


Senior management is defined as grades 1-7. The indicator measures the % increase in the proportion of women employees in grades 1-7 as % of total employees in grades 1-7 at 31 Dec at all sites in ABB.






Percentage of women leaders in grades 1 to 7


Employees covered by the ABB wellbeing programme


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the workplace represents a key channel for health promotion well-being – physical, psychological and social aiming to build healthy workforce. ABB managed well-being programs are to be in place for at least 3 months during a year, and to be available for 90% of employees in the site/location. Programs cover: No smoking program supporting quitting, Fitness and physical activity, Healthy nutrition, Mental health, Medical checks, Good Ergonomics, Health awareness, Addiction prevention, vaccinations and infection control. Employees are counted as covered by a wellbeing programme at year end if their country-Business Line report confirms a non-smoking programme AND 3 further well-being programmes in place.


HSE/SA Dashboard (Well-being Indicator) fed by local HSE representatives and generated by: Intelex (new IMS). The total workforce is the average number of employees over the year and comes from ABACUS




Ratio of the employees covered by well-being programs to the total number of ABB employees.