Community engagement Supporting community development

Target: Provide impactful support for community-building initiatives around the world

ABB has a long-standing tradition of active engagement in the communities in which its employees and customers live and work. As part of our 2030 sustainability strategy, we are reinforcing that engagement by providing impactful support for community-building initiatives.

Community engagement highlights
Community engagement highlights
Community engagement highlights (graphic)

ABB’s approach to community engagement combines strategic corporate partnerships with country-level projects to address local needs. We aim to assist the most vulnerable and to support community building in education, diversity and inclusion, and community healthcare, poverty and disaster relief.

Our largest program is a corporate-level agreement with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which provides humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence. ABB also supports the World Childhood Foundation, a global children’s rights organization.

Education has long been a focus of ABB's community engagement activities. One of the many initiatives we support is a new world-class master's program in mechatronics engineering at Ghana's Ashesi University in collaboration with the ETH Zurich. The program aims to promote a new generation of leaders in sub-​Saharan Africa who will take responsibility for sustainable development in the region. Since 2007, ABB has also been funding the ABB Jürgen Dormann Foundation for Engineering Education, which helps financially disadvantaged engineering students in 12 countries. In 2021, the foundation supported 93 students at 15 universities.

ABB Jürgen Dormann Foundation
ABB Jürgen Dormann Foundation
ABB Jürgen Dormann Foundation (graphic)

Wherever possible, we maintained our commitments to promote STEM education and careers, particularly for girls and women. ABB’s scholarships and mentoring programs continued in China, Estonia, Hungary, India, Sweden and the United States, among other countries. Many of these academic programs include modules that provide students with practical experience in real industrial environments and assist them in developing soft skills to enhance their employability upon graduation.

In 2021, we added three major new initiatives to the large number of educational, technical, entrepreneurial and hands-on training programs that ABB runs for young people.

Case study Supporting India's next generation of female engineers

Supporting India's next generation of female engineers Reveal case study

Case study Forging stronger ties with academia

ABB employee and a robot Reveal case study

Case study Helping American students acquire real-world skills

Helping American students acquire real-world skills Reveal case study

Across the world, we also made donations or provided services and other forms of support to vulnerable people and those affected by natural disasters, such as the 2021 floods in Henan, China, and the Ahr Valley in Germany. ABB’s employees were particularly active over the past year. Many volunteered in Mexico to support emergency responder groups; in Canada, our people contributed more than CAD 170,000 to address poverty, health and the emergency needs of local communities.

Among the many actions taken by ABB in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, ABB’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee, along with around 200 senior leaders, donated 10 percent of their compensation or salary to COVID-19 relief programs for employees worldwide. We raised $3.4 million through this initiative in 2020 and used these funds in 2021 to provide COVID-related assistance across the world.

Over the course of 2022, we intend to conduct additional research and consultations to develop our community engagement strategy further. These efforts will include the development of a harmonized approach to volunteer activities and of KPIs to measure the effectiveness and impact of our programs.