Progress against 2030 targets
Since the launch of our 2030 sustainability strategy in November 2020, we have made continuous progress toward our goals of enabling a low-carbon society, preserving resources, promoting social progress, and creating a culture of integrity and transparency along the extended value chain.

We enable a low-carbon society
We partner with our customers and suppliers in reducing and avoiding their emissions while reducing our own operational emissions with the aim of achieving carbon-neutral status by 2030.
Target: Carbon neutrality in own operations and own scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduced by at least 80 percent by 2030 compared with baseline year 2019
reduction of own scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions since 2019
Target: Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions of main tier-one suppliers covering 70 percent of our annual procurement spend reduced by 50 percent by 2030 compared to baseline year 2019
Target established
Target finalized and published in October 2022 and measurement of baseline and performance in progress

We preserve resources
By taking a systematic, company-wide approach to circularity, we are working to minimize the amount of resources we consume and to keep resources in productive use across ABB’s value chain.
Target: Cover at least 80 percent of portfolio of products and solutions with circularity approach by 2030
Refining approach
Clear alignment of circularity approach with regulations in progress
Target: Zero waste to landfill by 2030, where compatible with local conditions
reduction of waste to landfill compared to baseline year 2019

We promote social progress
At ABB we are building safe, fair, equitable and inclusive working environments where our people can succeed and develop. We also support community development around the world while systematically focusing on social progress in our supply chain.
Target: Zero harm is caused to our people and contractors; aim for a yearly reduction in lost time from incidents (LTIFR value = 0 by 2030)
reduction in lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) since 2019
Target: Increase proportion of women in senior management roles to 25 percent by 2030
women in ABB senior management
Target: Achieve a top-tier employee engagement score
employee engagement score (out of 100)
Target: Expand programs for community engagement
Guidance aligned
for emergency & disaster relief situations

We create a culture of integrity and transparency along the extended value chain
At ABB, we strive to do the right thing and be transparent along our value chain. We measure our performance not only by the results we achieve, but also by how we achieve them.
Target: At least 80% of spending on high-risk suppliers in focus countries covered by Sustainable Supply Base Management (SSBM) by 2025
of spending on high-risk suppliers in focus countries covered by Sustainable Supply Base Management (SSBM)
Target: Implement management sustainability incentive with yearly target
2 out of 3
annual individual leadership goals must be linked to sustainability goals